College hosts Cost of Living event with MPs

group of people holding flyers and smiling

We opened our doors to host a brand-new Cost-of-Living event in conjunction with MPs Stephanie Peacock and Dan Jarvis.

The event aimed to help Barnsley residents find out more about how they could further support themselves and others in the current climate. Visitors could also use the event as an opportunity to voice their concerns with their local MPs.

In attendance were representatives from anchor organisations and charities in the region including Age UK, Community First Credit Union, Barnsley Council’s More Money in Your Pocket, Warm Homes, Barnsley Foodbank Partnership, Citizens Advice Barnsley and South Yorkshire Police.

Dan Jarvis MP said: “It was very useful to hold a cost-of-living drop-in with Stephanie Peacock MP, and I want to thank everyone who supported the event. I know how tough times are for people locally and I will continue to do all I can to support people through this cost-of-living crisis.

“As people continue to struggle to make ends meet, events like these will be invaluable and I am personally very grateful to Barnsley Council, Age UK Barnsley, South Yorkshire Police, Citizens Advice Barnsley, Community First, Barnsley Foodbank Partnership and to the amazing Barnsley College for being on hand to offer helpful support and advice to local residents.”

Stephanie Peacock MP added: “Dan Jarvis MP and I were really pleased to hold a cost-of-living event for local people to attend at Barnsley College.

“We hope that the organisations in attendance could provide helpful information and financial advice to use during the cost-of-living crisis. I would like to thank Barnsley College for offering space for the event, and for the advice its staff provided local people about opportunities the College can offer.”

David Andi, Operations Manager at Citizens Advice Barnsley (CAB), hosted a stall at the event and said: “I think it’s really important that the public attend events like this so they can find out exactly what services deliver and what help and support is available to them. It’s important to partner organisations too so they can find out how we can collaborate and support one another.

“Those who visited the CAB stand at Barnsley College’s event will have found out where we are in the community, how to access our services, more about our drop-in initiatives delivered in the community, how to contact us and how to use the self-help section on our website.”

Practical guidance was available at the event too as South Yorkshire Police representatives showed visitors the range of locks available and how best to secure their homes; Barnsley Council’s Warm Homes team provided advice on how to access grants for heating and insulation; Community First Credit Union helped visitors understand how they can access interest-free loans and open budgeting accounts; and Barnsley Foodbank Partnership provided information on how to donate to those in need and how those struggling can access their services.

Visitors also had the opportunity to enrol onto our new Saving Energy Costs programme, a brand-new short course to support those who wish to find out more about the most effective ways to heat and light their homes on a tight budget.

The course is delivered by our energy and electrical experts and contains practical workshops in addition to classroom-based work.

Last updated: 15th February 2023

Originally posted on: 15th February 2023

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