Higher Education Student Transfer Arrangements

These transfer arrangements have been published in accordance with the Higher Education Research Act 2017 and Office for Students Regulatory Framework 2018. They cover the arrangements for students transferring from another institution to the College, from the College to another institution, or between programmes at the College. Barnsley College is committed to supporting students to transfer within, into, and out of the College where they wish to do so.

Introduction and Background

As a registered provider of Higher Education, the College is required to publish the arrangements it has in place to facilitate student transfers. The term ‘transfer’ refers to the process by which a current student, studying either at the College or at another Higher Education Institution, transfers their studies from one higher education programme to another. Students may transfer internally within the College, from the College to another Higher Education provider, or from another Higher Education provider to the College.

Our validated higher education programmes align with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications of Degree-Awarding Bodies covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This ensures the comparability of the standards of our higher education programmes nationally and internationally, and facilitates student transfer internally and between institutions.

Students Transferring from Barnsley College to another Higher Education Provider

Students who are currently studying at the College and who wish to transfer to another Higher Education provider should contact the institution they wish to transfer to and seek advice on transferring.

Students will need to withdraw from their programme of study at the College by contacting HE Quality and Registry (01226 216452). Where a withdrawal has been confirmed, the College will confirm any outstanding attainment at the next relevant Board of Examiners meeting. Where a student achieves, or has already achieved, an interim award, the student will be eligible to have this conferred at the next graduation ceremony, and will be awarded a certificate and transcript confirming the award. Where a student has completed and passed modules, but does not have sufficient credit for an interim award, the student will be issued with a transcript confirming their completed credit. Where a student requires confirmation of their existing credit in advance to facilitate their transfer to another institution, a letter confirming attainment may be obtained from HE Quality and Registry.

Students Seeking to Transfer within Barnsley College

The eligibility of a student to transfer from one programme to another at the College is determined by the entry criteria for the programme to which they are seeking to transfer and the timing of the request to transfer.

Students seeking to transfer programme within the College should contact their Pathway Leader in the first instance to discuss their request. If, following this discussion, a student still wishes to transfer, they should then contact the Pathway Leader for the programme they wish to transfer to. This Pathway Leader will then contact HE Quality and Registry who will complete the process at the College and notify Student Finance England.

In the event that an application for transfer is unsuccessful, the student may submit a complaint under the College’s Complaints Policy and Procedure.

Students Transferring from other Higher Education Providers to Barnsley College

The eligibility of a student to transfer from another Higher Education Institution to a programme of study at the College is determined by the entry criteria for the programme and the timing of the request to transfer.
Students from another Higher Education Institution who wish to transfer to a programme at the College should contact the College’s Admissions Team (01226 216 106) who will advise the student on the process for application (which may be via UCAS or direct application). Applications will be assessed against the entry criteria for the programme to which the student wishes to transfer.

Where the proposed transfer is based upon prior attainment, students will be advised on the processes for admission via Recognition of Prior Learning. Students seeking to transfer based upon prior attainment will be required to produce a certificate or transcript to support their application, and assessment will be undertaken by academic staff of the relevance of the prior attainment to the programme the student is seeking to transfer to. Recognition of Prior Learning is subject to the regulations of our validating partner universities and may vary from programme to programme.

In the event that an application for transfer is unsuccessful, the student will be advised of this by the Admissions Team. Students wishing to appeal a decision may do so by submitting a formal complaint using the College’s Complaints Policy and Procedure.

Last updated: 24th May 2023

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