Games Design students set to showcase their talents

Photograph - (L-R) Games Design students, Daniel de Freitas and Florence Marshall.

Photograph – (L-R) Games Design students, Daniel de Freitas and Florence Marshall.

Our amazing Games Design students, Florence Marshall and Daniel de Freitas, are set to showcase their animation to healthcare practitioners on Thursday 21 March.

The student’s animation sets the Public Health System Analysis of Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Services in context and illustrates the issues impacting children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health.

During the five-month project, both Level 3 students worked with Barnsley Council on a live creative brief, where the Council provided them with valuable feedback and a unique opportunity for real work insights.

The project will culminate in a final showcase where the students will present their final piece to healthcare professionals. Throughout, the students have developed comprehensive skills in the creative process, decision-making and navigating the intricacies of working under pressure, adhering to briefs and meeting deadlines.

Teresa Brocklehurst, Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Wellbeing Lead at Public Health Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, said: “Barnsley College, the Youth Association and Barnsley Public Health Children and Young People team have come together to support young people aged 13-18 to produce a short animation about issues impacting on emotional health and wellbeing.

“I’m so pleased that we have been able to work in partnership with the College to support young people to create this animation. Being able to work through emotional issues as early as possible is important to support their mental and physical health in the future, helping children and young people to fulfil their potential. The young people involved in making this film want to share the message that we need to support each other.”

Daniel de Freitas, a Level 3 Games, Animation and VFX student, said: “I found the project challenging but rewarding. It offered me an inside view of how working in the industry feels, especially working on a creative brief under pressure with a deadline. I also learned the importance of presenting work, communication and teamwork skills.”

Florence Marshall, a Level 3 Games, Animation and VFX student, spoke about her involvement in the project: “Our tutor gave us the opportunity to create an animation for the local council, where we had weekly meetings to discuss how it should look to represent mental health amongst young people. During the project, I have developed my skills in 3D modelling, texture, storyboarding and blender.”

Connor Bailey, a Digital Media tutor at the College, added: “This has been a fantastic opportunity for the Games design students to utilise their fantastic skillset for a live brief in partnership with the Council and Barnsley Mental Health Services. It has shown the versatility that our students gain through their curriculum to develop base skillsets that can have their workflow adapted to meet different job roles in the wider industry. They have produced a great animation that helps the young people’s voices within the borough to be heard throughout the whole piece and to give young people the voice that they so often feel that they don’t have.’’

Last updated: 15th February 2024

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