Community Connections – Meaningful Activity and Social Activity

If your young person needs support to access meaningful or social activity, then these support services may be able to help.

Services you can access:

BettaLives – A service available for people aged 19 and over with additional help and support needs. Bettalives is about promoting individual independence whilst learning new skills, gaining confidence, forming friendships and creating a real sense of community.

Down Syndrome Society – The Down’s Syndrome Association is the only charity in the UK providing support for all aspects of Down’s syndrome.
They aim is to enable people who have Down’s syndrome to live full and rewarding lives and to provide a local network that offers friendship, support, social events and other events and activities.

Local Mencap Barnsley – Mencap is committed to developing work and training skills for everyone with a learning disability. They offer a wide range of activities Monday to Friday including music, karate, cooking, theatre, social evenings and much more.

Opening Doors – Opening Doors is the Community Interest Company set up by Greenacre School to support students aged between 19 and 35. Students can access this provision up to 5 days per week joining in a variety of activities including hydrotherapy, enterprise opportunities, life skills, key skills development and community access.

Supported Activities (Day Service) / Learning disability supported activities – If your young person has a learning disability or autism, BMBC offer a wide range of options, groups and events that can be tailored to meet your needs.


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Last updated: 23rd May 2024

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