Relationships with Others

Connecting with others is beneficial for our wellbeing. Building stronger, broader social connections in your life can increase your feelings of happiness, self-worth and helps promote positive mental-wealth for everyone involved.


Visit the Mix’s relationship support page, full of articles ranging from increasing your self-confidence to managing a breakup.
Here are some to look at:
How to build trust in a relationship
How to stay safe in an online relationship
Is anxiety affecting your relationship?
Long-distance relationships
Moving in together
Talking to your partner about your mental health

Clickrelationships offer further relationship advice.


Chilypep host wellbeing on tour, a weekly group for learners that is a safe place to talk, undertake different wellbeing activities each week and work on different projects around mental wellbeing.

The Mental Health Ambassadors programme is available for students wanting to support, or access support for their peers.

Email: for more information about Chilypep, Wellbeing on tour and the Peer Mentor programme.


Find out how our Careers & Enterprise Hub can support you in finding a career. Finding a job will allow you to meet many different people and build relationships with colleagues.
What is the Careers & Enterprise Hub?
National Careers Service
Define me – employability skills assessment

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