Prevent Duty – Working Together to Defeat Terrorism

Part of the College’s safeguarding duty also includes protecting vulnerable individuals from the risk of radicalisation and extremism. This is called the ‘Prevent Duty’. Prevent is a government initiative aimed at stopping people becoming involved with (radicalised) or supporting violent extremism.

What is Radicalisation?

The government defines radicalisation as a process by which an individual or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social, or religious ideals and aspirations that reject or undermine the status quo or reject and/or undermine contemporary ideas and expressions of freedom of choice.

What is Extremism?

The government has defined extremism as: “vocal or active opposition to British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs”. The college shares and promotes these values across our community.

British Values, Equality & Diversity:

We follow governmental principles on promoting British Values throughout College, these are:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Mutual Respect & Tolerance
  • Individual Liberty

Channel Panel

Channel is a multi-agency approach to safeguarding, supporting and protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults at risk of radicalisation, extremism or terrorist related activity.

Channel Panel aims to:

  • find individuals at risk of being drawn into extremism
  • look at the nature and extent of the risk
  • develop the most appropriate support plan for the people concerned

Further support and advice is available by contacting Barnsley Council’s Prevent Team on 01226 770 770 or South Yorkshire Police Prevent Team on 101.

Useful Websites

Last updated: 14th October 2022

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