Professional Development Opportunities with Gym GroupIntroduction to Sport: Sport, Physical Education and Health BA (Hons) Top-Up
Congratulations on your offer to study within the department of Sport at Barnsley College Higher Education. We are delighted to welcome you on to the Sport (Sport, Physical Education and Health).
Meet the Team
If you have any questions about the course, assessments or teaching please do not hesitate to contact us:
- Thomas Wilford HE Teacher
- Lliam Dickinson HE Pathway Leader
- Kevin Bingham HE Teacher
Induction Schedule
Our aim is to ensure that you know what to expect from the course and provide advice and guidance on what you need to prepare for your studies. There will be activities that you may want to get involved in, both across the department and within Higher Education, and we will let you know more about these when you begin your studies.
We will be hosting a series of Freshers’ Fairs which you are welcome to attend:
- Monday 9 September – Atrium, Old Mill Lane campus, 9.30am – 11.30am
- Tuesday 10 September – Sports Hall, Honeywell Sports campus, 10.00am – 11.00am
- Friday 13 September – Wigfield Farm, 9.30am – 11.30am
To begin your preparation for the course, please read this web page which contains important information to ease you into life at Barnsley College University Centre and your course. If you require any further information specific to your course prior to starting, please feel free to contact us via the email addresses above.
You are required to attend an induction day. This will be held on Friday 20 September, 10.30am at SciTech Digital Innovation Hub room T310.
Enrolment Checklist
Proof of Qualifications
You must be able to produce certificates to prove that you have achieved the following:
- English at Level 2 or above (or approved equivalent)
- Mathematics at Level 2 or above (or approved equivalent)
- Level 5 qualification (as declared on UCAS)
Please bring proof of all your qualifications (original certificates) to your enrolment session. You will not be able to fully enrol on the course unless these have been presented to Barnsley College and failure to produce these will delay any loan payments, if eligible, being paid.
If you find that you do not have the original certificates, you will need to obtain copies from the awarding body as quickly as possible prior to enrolment.
Please check with the school or college you attended for information on contacting the relevant awarding body.
Preparation and Preliminary Reading
It is strongly recommended that you purchase your own copy of the following books, which will be used as set texts and will be useful throughout your Sport course:
- Cunningham, I., Dawes, G. (2016). The Handbook of Work Based Learning. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
- O’Leary, Z. (2017). The Essential Guide to Doing your Research Project. Sage.
You should look to develop a clear plan for your Dissertation as soon as possible. You will be expected to decide upon a Research Question early into the course. This will enable staff to allocate you an appropriate supervisor. It is strongly encouraged to arrange an early supervisory meeting with staff to discuss your ideas.
Study Skills
These books will also be very useful and available in the library, though it is recommended that you purchase your own copy of at least one study skills text:
- Burns, T and Sinfield, S. (2003). Essential Study Skills: The Complete Guide to Success at University. London: Sage.
- Cottrell, S. (2015). Skills for Success: The Personal Development Planning Handbook. Third edition. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
- Cottrell, S. (2005). Critical Thinking Skills: Developing Effective Analysis and Argument. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Internet and Online Resources
The following sites will be useful to familiarise yourself with:
Journal Article Databases
The following sites will be useful for reading and utilising journals:
- Google Scholar –
- Open Athens (e.g. SPORTDiscus) –
- SAGE Journals –
- Springer Journals –
All Sport students will be expected to wear the Barnsley Sports Academy (BSA) kit. You can order the kit here*: Capelli Sport – The Link (
* The webpage comes live in September 2024.
Personal Development Opportunities
As a Sport student at Barnsley College, you are eligible to enrol onto a competitive industry-discounted qualifications to work alongside your new HE programme: