Health, Science and Social Care Professions

Biology (GCSE Science) Part-time

In Brief

Start Date / Duration

This course is starting on 11 September will run for 1 year every Wednesday between 5.30pm and 8.30pm.

Entry requirements

  • English at grade D or above and Maths at grade D (equivalent qualifications or experience accepted such as functional skills level 2)
  • Successfully complete an interview with course tutor

You will achieve

You will achieve a GCSE qualification in Biology.


Course overview

GCSE Biology gives students the chance to gain a good understanding of Human Biology, Organisms, Evolution and the Environment. You will learn in the science laboratories with experienced and enthusiastic tutors. The specification integrates the principles of ‘Working Scientifically’ throughout the topics in required practicals. The course gives students the context of how science is applied in the outside world by real scientists. The course is aimed at any age group as education is ageless.

Course content

  • The course follows the New 9-1 grade system
  • Topics covered; ‘Cell Biology’, ‘Organisms’, ‘Infection and responses’, ‘Bioenergetics’, ‘Homeostasis and responses’, ‘Inheritance, Variation and Evolution’ and ‘ Ecology’
  • 10 required practical’s are included, such as; ‘Food tests’, ‘Photosynthesis’ and ‘Using Quadrates and Transects’. These contribute 15% towards the total marks of the examination
  •  Independent Learning Tasks (ILT – Homework) are also given throughout the topics

You can view AQA course specifications by clicking on the link below;

  • Mock exams and revision sessions will be conducted through the year
  • Two end of year exams will take place in May/ June 2020


  • You will need writing materials, pens, pencils and note book
  • Basic Math’s equipment needed; Calculator and ruler

Upon successful completion of your GCSE science course, you may be able to study on an Access to HE Health Science Professions Level 3 course or an

Access to HE Childcare (Teaching) depending upon your age and achievement.

How much does the course cost?

This course costs £400. This course may be FREE to study depending on your circumstances – please see the drop-down option below for more details. The fee includes a text book. An introductory 6 week course must be completed at an additional cost of £100, full fee payable. Related additional costs may include materials, equipment, etc. which are payable by all students.

19+ Students

Aged 19 or over and thinking about further education?

You may be eligible for free or reduced course fees . Please refer to our page ‘paying for your course.’

Extra information

Part-time courses are only available for learners who are 19 years old and above. You may not have to pay for this course if you are employed but earn below £23,400 a year, or if you are unemployed and receive Job Seekers Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit. You will need to provide evidence of your eligibility which will be checked at enrolment.

This course is funded by South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) and/or West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA). You must be living in the South or West Yorkshire regions to qualify for funding.

If the course is listed as full fee payable, you will have to pay for the course.

For further information please contact our friendly Information Team on +44 (0)1226 216 123 or email

Our Additional Learning Support team can provide you with the support you need. Please contact them on +44 (0)1226 216 769.

Please note we reserve the right to change details without notice. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Biology (GCSE Science) Part-time

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