Are you leaving school soon and thinking about pursuing a career in the Science sector, but looking for an alternative to A Levels? Have you considered studying Applied Science instead?
We caught up with two Level 3 Applied Science Alumni to hear about their experiences at the College and find out what they are up to now.

Jake Dooler
Jake Dooler is now studying Forensic and Analytical Science MSci at the University of Huddersfield.
Jake said: “I chose Applied Science because it helped me get into my desired university and covered a wide range of scientific topics. This provided me with the opportunity to explore other areas of science and have the option to study one of those at university if I wanted to.
“My favourite module was the forensic science module as that was the topic I was most interested in continuing to study after College. However, the module on space science was also extremely interesting and informative and I quite enjoyed studying that module.
“During my time in College, I had an exceptional Course Leader, Tom, who was both genuine and approachable. He provided me with huge amounts of support when I faced difficulties understanding certain aspects of a topic while working on assignments. He always pointed me in the right direction so that I could achieve the best results possible.
“My most memorable moment from College was when we had a staff vs students football match that we arranged as a class for the ending of our course. It brought people together who might not have socialised with others during the course into one group to work together and helped make connections for people to stay in contact after College.
“I sometimes found it difficult in my written assessments to ensure I had enough details to attain certain aspects. I would keep reading the brief to grasp the assignment and if that didn’t work, I’d ask my tutors to explain certain points of the brief, so I gained a deeper understanding. This helped me to understand the wording used in assignment briefs. I was able to use this knowledge in future assignments and I was able to increase my module grades from Merits to Distinction.
“I would highly recommend the course! It allows you to expand your knowledge with a variety of topics and provides you with a much wider range of choices to study at university. It has helped me to prepare for my university course as Applied Science is very chemistry-based with a dedicated forensic science module.
“I’m extremely grateful for my time at the College. When I started, I was very standoffish, and I struggled to talk to my course mates. As time went on, I formed an amazing group of friends who I’m still in touch with. Currently, I live with two of them who are also studying the same university course as me. Thanks to College, I have come out of my shell and become more social, something which is very important at university.”

Leah Denton
Leah Denton is now studying Zoology BSc (Hons) at the University of Sheffield School of Biosciences.
Leah told us: “I studied Applied Science at the College because I had a career goal but didn’t know which area of science to study. Applied Science allowed me to understand different fields in science, so I was able to choose the correct pathway. The College was close to where I lived and out of the other places that offered it, the College was the best – not all places offer this type of vocational BTEC course.
“The practical sessions were effective in allowing me to apply the theoretical knowledge I learned in the lesson. I enjoyed biology the most. In one module we studied the cellular biology of plants and animal cells, which I really enjoyed and have chosen it as a module at university to learn these chemical processes in more detail.
“The variety of topics within Applied Science has allowed me to choose exactly what I wanted to study to help build my future For example, I was fascinated by the biological and chemical processes behind respiration and photorespiration, and now I am studying a plant science module at university to increase my knowledge.
“I would recommend the College as it offers a different approach that proved more effective for me, especially since I didn’t perform at my best in environments with frequent exams. The coursework-focused structure provided a more comfortable learning experience for me.”
Last updated: 4th April 2024